Just move on, don't over analyze everything, just keep on trying.
What am I talking about now, again? Oh, right, about one of the bad mood swings, it's not exactly a crises, just an indefined eminence of a crises. It can turn into a huge wave slipping me down hill, or it could just lose its strenght and get lost in time like so many other, the thing is that I still don't know what it's going to turn out to be and, honestly, I know it depends on me, I just don't know what I can do to turn it off.
I was not posting anything for a long time now, to be honest, because I was waiting for a good swing to post something under the "up" tab. Yes, I'm trying to keep one post "up", one post "down" and through some "something in between" and some "songs that express my heart (insert comment about tacky title)" in between, for everytime I could not define my state of mood, or either my state of mood was not an alternative to the latest post. Oh, yes (again), I'm trying to alternate "up" and "down" posts, because that's how I feel most of the time and that's how I decided how the blog is going to presented, so I would be infracting a rule if I did not respect that dynamic.
But, unfortunately, I'm still human and I still can't decide or predict my mood swings. That's what this blog was supposed to be, or to serve for, to help me express all that mood mess and help me understand and "solve" some of it. So, f*$% it, I'll not respect the "alternate mood swing" posts rule once.
Well, if you can't tell, I'm down, lol...